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Supply Chain Management for Contractors

Supply Chain Automation for Contractors

Contractors can keep eyes on their inventory 24/7 with accurate, granular consumption data in real time by using a robust digital vendor managed inventory (VMI) platform. Using automation, they can work with several independent suppliers, building a better supply base than working with a single distributor of multiple products. Pushing the data to the consumer […]

Digital Transformation in Inventory Management

Inventory Management Digital Transformation Scaled

Whether your company wants to pull the trigger on a new e-commerce platform, a shiny, all-inclusive ERP, or discuss grand ideas like Industry 4.0, too many industrial distributors are falling prey to the temptation to swing for the innovation fences. However, digital transformation is a slow, intentional process of incremental innovations that lead to the […]

How Collaboration and Digital VMI Automation Improve Manufacturing Uptime

Industrial Machinery Digest Digital VMI

Manufacturers are discovering ways to incrementally adopt technology. By creating more automated and robust supply chains that work more closely with the suppliers that are independent and specialized, a focus is placed on the product verticals needed to keep a manufacturing facility running. Inventory automation using a robust digital VMI platform is a big win […]

Why Upstream Oil & Gas Manufacturers Need Inventory Automation

Inventory automation for Oil and Gas manufacturers

In today’s uncertain industrial landscape, upstream oil and gas manufacturers looking to automate their inventory management must find a supply chain solution that provides a win for the supplier and the consumer. Solving inventory management issues requires implementing an affordable, automated supply chain platform that provides accurate and granular consumption data, a magical user interface, […]

Key Advantages of ShelfAware’s Supply Chain Solution—More FAQs

disadvantages of physical vending machines

The ShelfAware supply chain solution utilizes a magical user interface that tracks the consumption of thousands of inventory packages in seconds. That data is leveraged by the ShelfAware web-based application to automate replenishment, ensure lean inventory quantities, and guarantee no stockouts. Learn more from the answers to a few frequently asked questions. ShelfAware saves time […]

COVID-Compliant Digital Vendor Managed Inventory

Hands-free checkout station

With renewed concerns about mask mandates and social distancing requirements thanks to a fresh resurgence of COVID-19, industrial suppliers and consumers who want to keep their supply chain operating smoothly can be prepared for whatever happens next with ShelfAware—the industry’s only COVID-compliant vendor managed inventory (VMI) platform. Gone are the days of suppliers coming and […]

How Small Innovations Lead to Big Disruption

Through the use of collaborative innovations like ShelfAware’s CloudSourcingTM, small businesses are quickly becoming the new “Big Business” in industrial manufacturing. CloudSourcing empowers collaboration among multiple independent and specialized product vertical suppliers. It empowers all suppliers to work together with a single consumer on ShelfAware’s unified supply chain platform. Learn about how ShelfAware changed the […]

3 Advantages of an RFID Magical User Interface for Supply Chain Management

Radiofrequency technology - Advantages of an RFID Magical User Interface for Supply Chain Management

By simply picking your inventory components, swiping the powerful RFID smart label at the checkout station, and going back to work, you will automatically record useful inventory consumption data in real time. It’s that simple to manage complex supply chains using a magical user interface. Along with simplicity, there are some other advantages to using […]

How to Disrupt the Supply Chain and Pursue ROI

How to Disrupt the Supply Chain and Pursue ROI

Technology can be cool, but it can also be practical if the features are practical for deployment in the real world. It’s important to innovate to disrupt—to create a competitive advantage. Industrial manufacturing is typically an outdated landscape for cool technology, but there is room for a low-cost, highly-reliable RFID system for managing complex supply […]

What is ShelfAware and How Does it Work? Frequently Asked Questions

What is ShelfAware and How Does it Work? Frequently Asked Questions

ShelfAware equips industrial suppliers with RFID smart labels for inventory management that turns complex supply chains into virtual vending machines. This robust digital vendor managed inventory (VMI) system is a supply chain automation platform that equips business-to-business suppliers with a next generation supply chain solution for consumers of physical inventory goods. Does your company manage […]